BabyFruit Ticker

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Our Journey

So, starting the New Year, one of my resolutions is to blog.  Why not, everyone does it, right?  I have high hopes for this year.  Last year, we started our journey of Infertility.   4 IUI's and 1 IVF cycle later, nope, no baby.  I have to say it has been getting harder and harder.  Especially when all I hear around me from friends, strangers, people on tv, the lady at the grocery store, that everyone is pregnant!!!  You know, when you try and try for something and wish and pray for something is seems like everyone else around you it is happening for. 

Right now I am on my 7th day of Meds.  Here is what I have to do:

First:  One month of BCP(birth control)
Then:  Start Microdose Lupron
Next: Start 10 day of Stim meds
Fourth:  Egg Retrieval
Last: Transfer

My meds consist of Gonal-F at 300 Units, Menopur of 150 Units, Microdose Lupron, 10ccl twice a day.  So, total of 4 shots for 10 days.  My belly is screaming for me to stop!  So far I feel pretty good, side effects are just being really, really, tired.  Actually, It is past 1pm and I just woke up from a 2 hour nap. I did get up earlier to feed my 4 legged babies so at least I can say I woke up before 8am :-)

I went in for bloodwork and a sono yesterday and the news was not so good.  Only 3 follicles.  I have diminished ovarian reserve so it's not a big surprise, but my doc was hoping for at least 5.  Last cycle we had 5 eggs, 3 were mature, but only 1 fertilized and was available for transfer.  We keep telling ourselves, it only takes one, right?!  My estradiol levels were around 180ish so at least that is coming along nicely.

Back on Friday for another sono and BW.  Pray that those little guys grow...

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